What if life was happening for you and not to you? What if everything you are experiencing is a gift to teach you something that will improve your life? What if the pain you are feeling is there for a purpose – to help you? What if your life is exactly how it is meant to be in this moment and it is up to you to choose how you approach it? What if you reading this is the window of opportunity that sets in motion a new relationship between you and I that ends up helping us both? Yes, you helping me too – because I believe that we all have something to teach each other and we all have something to learn.
If we change our perspective and begin to see life as happening for us instead of to us, it can completely change the way we experience everything. When we are open to learning from our pain and our challenges, instead of resisting them, we can find great growth and transformation. It is up to us to choose how we will approach life – with a sense of openness and curiosity or with judgment and resistance. The opportunity that lies before us is to shift our perspective in order to create a new relationship with ourselves – one that is based on understanding and love.
On a different note.....
Have you heard the good news about Hummingbirds? They're able to fly in all directions, backwards and upside down. It's really something! But what makes them so special is that they also stay right where they are by hovering - just like a refuelling plane. They don’t flap their wings as you may think but instead they rotate them in a continuous figure of 8. The symbol for infinity is a figure of 8 which reminds us of balance and harmony and means living without limitations. The action of their wings is work, but it also reminds us to stay balanced and focused; it represents strength in life's struggle to elevate consciousness on what really matters to us. Your dreams will lead you towards a limitless life filled with love.
When we believe in our infinite potential, anything becomes possible and that’s where you are now – at the beginning of infinite possibility.
I know that my life changed when I got out of my rationalising head and limiting beliefs and moved into my heart. I realised I was living in survival mode and not my creative loving mode. I realised that I had so many forgotten dreams that I had made small or ignored over the years.
The idea of following my dreams has been something I have tried to do. But it always felt like everyone else had it all figured out, that I was the only one feeling this way. But the truth is, I just hadn't spent enough time getting clarity on what my dreams really were and then believing in myself to make them become a reality.
It all started with one decision to find the courage to begin my journey towards living a life connected and fully alive everyday. In this space my personal power within has grown tenfold! The harder things become, the stronger my resolve and resourcefulness becomes too, and most amazingly, the more love and gratitude I feel.
The most comforting thing I have learned is that I'm not really the only person experiencing this - we are all experiencing the same fears, worries, confusion, and emotions just in a different context. I realised that whatever it was that I am navigating is "normal" and that I am no different to any one else. I could have made a choice to stay stuck or to create a more connected and fulfilled in life.
There comes a moment when we need to live in our hearts and remember our forgotten dreams….
What is the story of your life and what dreams have you forgotten?
1 x FREE 20 minute introductory session
10 x 60 minute sessions $1100
1 session per week over 10 weeks recommended
Ongoing maintenance. To be discussed towards the end of your Iridescent package.
If you have any questions or curiosities regarding my life coaching services, please don't hesitate to reach out - I would love to hear from you.